To request files on SecureFiles, please follow the below instructions.

1. Login to your SecureFiles account, under "All Files", create a new Folder by clicking on "New" and "Folder". Fill the new folder details, if required you can change the Security settings or leave as-is and click Save.

2. Once the folder is created, navigate to the folder. Under the folder, clck on "...More" and select "Request files". Once the Request files window is open, type the email address of the uploader, who will be uploading files for you and the rest of the details if required. Click on Send request when done. see below. 

3. The uploader will receive an email from asking to click on the "Upload files" link to upload the requested file.

4. Once clicked on "Uploaded files" link, the uploader will have to click on "Select" hyperlink to select the file from the computer and upload. Once the file is selected, click "Upload" to send the file to the requester. 

5. Once the file is uploaded, the requester of the file will get an email that the uploader has uploaded a new file to the folder. You can click on "Access files" to access the uploaded file. 

Let us know if you have any questions, we will be happy to assist.